Thursday, December 4, 2008

How do you save 1% on national CO2 emissions and $3 billion in energy costs with the push of a button? According to some studies, just wash in cold!

Here's an easy one!

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Most of us are unaware of the full extent of energy required to wash our clothes. A staggering 85-90% of this energy is used by the water heater. Only 10-15% actually goes to running the washing machine. A switch of all U.S. washers to cold water would mean a savings of about 30 million tons of CO2 per year.

Water heating accounts for approximately 19 percent of total home energy use, according to the Rocky Mountain Institute.3. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, using less water and using cooler water can both reduce the amount of energy used for washing clothes. (In situations where hot water is necessary, for example, to clean diapers or bedding, just use cold water in the rinse cycle.)

Carbon Conscious Consumer (C3), a national climate campaign sponsored by the Center for a New American Dream, has issued a challenge: Wash at least four out of every five loads of laundry in cold water for a month. Push the "cold/cold" button on your washing machine for 80 percent of the loads you do this month, says C3, and you'll cut 72 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions this month alone.

If you keep washing 80 percent of the loads in cold water for a whole year, you can save more than $60 in energy costs for the year -- or $100 a year if you live in regions with high electricity costs.

If you’re in the market for a new washer or dryer, use Energy Star machines for greater water and energy costs.

Difficulty level: Easy

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