Monday, March 30, 2009

Could You Use a Green Tax Break?

In case you haven't heard, the oft-mentioned but not-as-oft understood Stimulus Package includes a variety of tax credits for qualified energy efficiency improvements.

Some highlights that could affect YOU include tax credits for:
-materials costs (not labor) related to more energy efficient insulation, windows, furnace, boiler, and A/C installed in 2009.
-up to 30% of some larger energy-efficiency projects.
-geothermal heat pumps and small wind turbines.
-plug-in hybrid/electric cars and motorcycles, vehicle fuel cell systems

These are national tax credits. State-by-state tax credits and incentives have also been funded, so be sure to check out your own state's allocations and requirements.

If you have some energy-efficiency projects in mind for your house or car, this could very well be the perfect year to make them reality.

Specifics and qualifications will vary according to state, income, and project, so you'll have to take it from here, but here are a few good places to start your research:

Energy Star
Department of Energy
Alliance to Save Energy


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